Below is a summary of our main policies. A full copy of all our policies are available to read at all times at pre-school.
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
In line with Pre-school Learning Alliance guidance we have built a ‘culture of safety’ in which children are protected from abuse and harm. All our staff are trained to recognise and respond quickly to any incidents or concerns.
Health and Safety
We have a comprehensive insurance policy with the Pre-school Learning Alliance. All our facilities, toys and equipment are checked regularly to ensure they are safe and a record is made of this process. We have full first aid kits at pre-school and to take out on walks, visits or to the park and at least one member of staff on duty is first aid qualified. If a child has an accident during the pre-school session which can be dealt with by the staff then details will be entered into our accident record book and the parent/carer will be asked to sign the record at the end of the session. This ensures that you are informed of any injury, however minor.
Equal opportunities
We operate a full inclusive pre-school that promotes equality in race, religion, culture, gender and disability. Our curriculum is designed to be suitable for all ability levels, to allow children to develop respect for one another and to develop an understanding of the diverse world we live in.
Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits
We prepare a risk assessment for all outings from pre-school and parents are always asked to sign a specific consent form before any major outings. Our adult to child ratio is high and whenever the children are walking in the vicinity of roads they are attached to a walkodile with seat belt style straps and clips that can only be undone by an adult. Named children are assigned to individual adults and regular head counts are made within small groups.
Special educational needs
Our Leader, Sue Bichard, is specially trained in special needs education, both identifying requirements and providing the necessary support. We monitor children closely to ensure they are developing in line with their age and that there behaviour is as we would expect. If concerns arise then the child’s Key Person will work closely with the child’s parents to ensure that they receive the best possible support.
Achieving positive behaviour
We believe that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour. Through play we teach children to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights of others as well as the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects.
Making a complaint
We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to our Leader or a member of the Management Committee. If this does not achieve the desired result then the next stage is to put your concerns in writing to the Chairman of the Management Committee, their name and address can be supplied if required. At any time a parent can contact Ofsted with any concerns or complaints