Contact us
Get in Touch
- 01664 454674
- Mon — Fri: 9.00 AM — 3.00 PM
- Knossington Village Hall, Main Street, Knossington, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8LT, United Kingdom

Directions to Knossington & Somerby Preschool
From Oakham
Take the Cold Overton Road out of Oakham (left past Tim Norton’s Garage after going over the level crossing). Follow this road until you reach Knossington and turn left at the first cross roads when you arrive. As you approach the centre of the village there is a sharp left hand turn and another left hand turn signposted to Owston which is about 20 meters further along the road. Knossington Village Hall/Knossington & Somerby Pre-school is on the left between these two roads. The building is right on the roadside and will have a pre-school sign outside when the pre-school is open.
From Melton
Take the Oakham road out of Melton and turn right, signposted to Pickwell & Somerby. In Somerby follow the main road along the edge of the village. After leaving Somerby take the next right hand turn, signposted to Knossington. Follow the road into Knossington, past the pub and church and into the center of the village. The Village Hall/Pre-school is on the right immediately after the right hand turning sign posted to Owston.